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Where will be the place of our children in the future?


  1. outstrip (程度或成就上)超過
  2. clock需時;達到一個時間
  3. intervention 干涉
  4. impressive令人印象深刻的
  5. autonomous 自動化的
  6. champion冠軍
  7. identify辨識
  8. reflect反省
  9. exaggerate誇張說法

In one or two decades, AI will outstrip many of the abilities we humans believe make us different from animals and machines.

In 2016, Google’s self-driving cars clocked 1,023,330km, and required human intervention 124 times. That is one human intervention about every 8,047km of autonomous driving. What makes the figure impressive is, in 2015, it was 4 interventions every 8,047km. In order words, autonomous driving had made a 400% improvement.

Today, self-driving cars may not be a norm. It is already a reality. You probably think “how nice!” We can take a nap on our way to office because AI can drive for us. But what about playing chess! A computer has beat the human chess champion a few times. And the computer is now identifying tumor for doctors and cooking recipes for chefs. AI is even helping our kids learn English😣.

I wonder what my daughters will be doing in the future. They will never solve a math question faster or lift an object heavier than AI does. They will never drive better. They are human, so they can never become the best chess player. And language, the best thing I pass down to them through telling them many good stories, is no more their advantage since real-time machine translation has made huge improvement. They are likely to lose every battle against AI, aren’t they?

No! What exactly makes humans special? We dream, imagine, reflect, and even regret! We pretend, invent, exaggerate, and go crazy. That’s right! We are different from AI because we create.













Growing Up!

It doesn’t take a long time to grow up! Adults often say, “When you grow up, you will know a lot of truths and become mature."

However, I have a different view of growing up. What really is growing up? It’s not that you grow up when you reach a certain age. Growing up is just a moment. That is the moment when you experience something. When that moment comes, you will feel that everything is different. And only you will understand that moment. After that moment, you will find that you must learn to be independent,you must learn to control your emotions, you must become mature, you can’t do whatever you want or cry like a child like before. 

I have had that moment. One day before I was going went to school, I felt that my heart mind became different from before.That day, when I arrived at school, I stopped chatting with my classmates as before. For me, that day became very quiet.I just sat reading. I said to myself, “You have to work hard, you have to be mature."When these few words appeared, I knew that I had finally grown up and become mature. My friends came to ask me what was wrong that day, but I just smiled and said, “I am OK! Suddenly I am not as talkative as before.

I just know that it is a new day. That is the new me now.


Growing Up!

It doesn’t take a long time to grow up!Adults often say, “When you grow up, you will know a lot of truths and become mature."

However, I have a different view of growing up. What really is growing up? It’s not that you grow up when you reach a certain age. Growing up is just a moment. That is the moment when you experience something. When that moment comes, you will feel that everything is different. And only you understand that moment. After that moment, you will find that you must learn to be independent, you must learn to control your emotions, you must become mature, you can’t do whatever you want or cry like a child like before. I have had that moment.

One day before I went to school, I felt that my mind became different from before.
That day, when I arrived at school, I stopped chatting with my classmates as before. 
For me, that day became very quiet.I just sat reading. I said to myself, “You have to work hard, you have to be mature." When these few words appeared, I knew that I had finally grown up and become mature. My friends came to ask me what was wrong that day, but I just smiled and said, “I am OK! Suddenly I am not as talkative as before.

I just know that it is a new day. That is the new me now.



My Life

Once upon a time there was a little boy.

His hair curly and eyes watery.

At age of five he was full of joy.

His parents showered him with love and toys.

He kept all his goodies in a big smiley trolley.

All day long he played and cuddled with mommy.

For all the snacks from daddy he turned out chubby.

But nonetheless he was happy.

Eat sleep and play, in the blink of an eye 5 years gone by

At age of 10 he was full of passion.

Ready for expressive exploration

His mind was curious and always in action

For he found interest in artistic creation.

His world was a safari wild imagination.

All day long he sketched and made flip-page animation.

For all the crayons he used up, art was an addiction.

But nonetheless he was happy.

Sketch, learn, and daydream, in the blink of an eye 5 years gone by.

At age of 15 he was living in a foreign land.

Now a teenager trying to understand

Future uncertain and nothing was as planned

For he had a lot to adjust and comprehend.

He swam hard to outlast this survival quicksand.

All day long he trained and prepared to take his stand.

For all the trials his will to win was hard to bend.

But nonetheless he was happy.

Adapt fight and cope, in the blink of an eye 5 years gone by.

At age of 20 he was rolling all on his own.

Becoming an adult the boy had grown.

It’s time to get real with fairyland long gone,

For he had lots to prove and doubts to contain.

Nervousness was a goblin rattling his bone.

All day long he studied and learned in the battle zone.

For all the challenges he managed his best to shine.

But nonetheless he was happy.

Study, equip, and excel; in the blink of an eye 5 years gone by.

At age of 25 he worked years straight in a row,

Entering business hoping for a dazzling show.

His calls never stop and was always on the go,

For the first taste of victory his ego grew.

He would kill for more with a big crossbow.

All day long he plotted and manipulated with his claws,

For all the toil and blood his career thrived but left many in woe.

But nonetheless he was happy.

Work, hustle and grind; in the blink of an eye 5 years gone by.

At age of 30 he had given work all his soul,

Danced with wolves and kept goons on payroll.

His portfolio grew but his heart a black hole,

For he started to ponder life’s true meaning and goal.

He prayed for revelation but heard fuck all.

All day long he wandered while keeping mind in control.

For all he achieved and built, it was time to leave it all,

So he could eventually save his soul.

He set sail to take back what the world stole.

Travel, read and reflect; in the blink of an eye 5 years gone by

At age of 35 he made new plans to expand.

By fate he returned to his motherland,

Refocused for life’s meaning now he understands.

He set hands only on works delightful to command,

Balancing his life because love he had found.

All day long he worked on the wonderland of his own.

For all the art and beauty we have on hand, life can be grand.

There is nothing wrong to be curious once again.

We can have fun even with a pot of sand.

We can play with words like waving a magic wand.

I’m here sharing with you my poem for you are my dear friends.

The boy was once lost but saved himself.

He used to chase blindly with a butcher knife.

Now he savors time and cherish his pretty wife.

There are no little moments in life;

For the little moments are life itself.

Be happy now for there is no afterlife.

Learn to take it easy and be kind to yourself.

by 曾宥誠 (Patrick Saint)


李芊樺 Bibi Lee 於16歲






李其興 Paul Lee

在大白天  卻整片天空黑壓壓
突然 雨像彈珠般敲打著爸爸鋪的波浪屋頂
唉 大哥今天無法騎腳踏車載我溜搭

雨水流到屋頂的邊緣   變成了瀑布
透過瀑布 花園裡姊姊種的花與樹在雨中跳舞

好奇地盯著紙船搖搖晃晃 慢慢地 遠航…

突然聽到媽媽熟悉的聲音 我站起來 轉過身

Love and Growth

隨手現代詩,運用單字outgrow (長大了而不再需要…)

Love and Growth

Boys outgrow toy cars.
Girls outgrow Barbies.
But, they never outgrow those
Who stayed with them through hard times.

Don’t just give your children toys and dolls.
Give them your words and hands.

愛 成長

但 他們永遠不會忘記誰陪他們度過難熬的時光。

握他們的手  跟他們說說話。

IF– 如果

<If—>是英國詩人Rudyard Kipling於1895年創作的一首短詩,讀過多次,今天受感動多一些,雖然中文翻譯版本很多,我喜歡自己動手,跟大家分享共勉。



如果別人將他們的失敗責怪你  你仍然保持冷靜
如果別人質疑你但你相信自己  而且寬容那質疑
如果你能等待且不厭倦於等待  被欺騙卻不欺騙
或  被憎恨不為所動
不急於鋒芒外露  不急於侃侃而談

如果你有夢想卻不被夢想主宰  有想法卻不受限
如果你經歷了各種成功與失敗  對兩者公平對待
如果你忍受你說的實話被扭曲  被用來誤導他人
或  生活意義被摧毀
卻只能彎腰低頭  用殘破工具修復

如果你做對的事並且付出一切  擲骰子般定輸贏
輸了就重新開始  不逢人怨聲載道
如果你有心有魄力且用盡體力  即使早沒有氣力
你一無所有撐住  用意志力說撐住

如果你能與人對談時保持正直  帝王同行不忘本
如果你的敵人朋友無法傷害你  你尊重人而不過
如果你以百米衝刺的每秒速度  填補無情每分鐘
你就擁有世界以及世界上一切  孩子你是大人了

If you can keep your head when all about you  
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,   
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;   
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;   
    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;   
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same; 
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,   
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,   
    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,   
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,   
    And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!