1. What is your favorite TV program, movie, or Youtube channel? What is it about? How does it affects you?
  2. What do people usually spend most screen time doing, such as chatting, surfing, reading, watching videos, working, playing games, and so on? What do they get?
  3. Do you spend more screen time on smartphone, TV, computer, or tablet? What do you do on the screen?
  4. The Internet helps people learn on the screen. What is your experience of learning something on the Internet? Do you really learn more and faster on the Net?
  5. If you can choose, do you like to read an E-book or a paper book? What are some differences between them?
  6. If you can choose, do you like to take an online class or a physical class? What are some differences between them?
  7. What is your favorite activity after school or after work? Why do you like to do it? Is it healthy and helpful? How does it help you?
  8. If you suddenly cannot get online for one day, will you be worried about anything? What is it? Why?
  9. Do you think what people often see on the screen change people little by little? Why or why not? Give an example.
  10. According to the law, kids are allowed to use smartphone until 21:00 and teenagers until 22:00. Becauase there is not any fine for breaking the law, most parents just ignore the law. Do you think it is a good law? Why or why not?


  1. screen time使用3C產品的時間
  2. affect影響
  3. physical class實體課程

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