
  1. whiner愛埋怨的人
  2. accomplish完成
  3. ddiction壞習慣
  4. discouraged挫折的
  5. setback挫折
  6. bitter無法釋懷的
  7. defeat擊敗
  8. transform蛻變,轉化
  9. overwhelm壓倒;擊垮

Be a warrior, not a whiner!

成為鬥士 別成為愛埋怨的人

We all have things that we believe in and


dreams that we want to accomplish.


Maybe it’s to see our family to get healthy, lose some weight,


break an addiction, or start our own business.

戒掉壞習慣 或者開創新事業

But sometimes as it goes on, month after month,


even year after year, we don’t see anything changing.

甚至一年一年過去 我們的夢想沒有什麼進展

And It’s easy to get discouraged and think:

很快的我們就覺得遭遇挫折 然後開始想著

“My dream is never going to happen…"


“Why keep fighting? Nobody supports me anyway.”

為什麼要繼續奮鬥 反正沒人支持

“This is as far as I can go. I’ll just learn to live with it…"

我就只能走到現在這一步 我只能接受

We all go through disappointments, setbacks,

我們都經歷過失望 挫折

loss, struggles, loneliness, and so on.

失去所愛 掙扎 寂寞等等

No matter how we call it, it is pain…

無論我們給他什麼名稱 這都是一種痛苦

To go through the pain,


the key is what we do in our times of pain.


Pain is a part of life.


Pain will change us.


Eventually, pain will pass, but you will be different.

痛苦會過去 但是你也會變得不同

You may go through it and come out better.

你可能度過痛苦 變得更好

You may escape from it and come out bitter.

你可能逃避痛苦 變得更不好

You can come out defeated, giving up on your dreams,

你可能被擊敗 放棄你的夢想

You can come out transformed, getting closer to your dreams.

你可能改變自我 越接近夢想

You can be a warrior. Change the pain!

你能夠當個勇者 改變痛苦

Don’t be a whiner. Let the pain change you!

不要老是埋怨 這樣痛苦會改變你

When we keep complaining about what happens to us,


we make poor decisions, say bad words, harm people around.

我們會做錯誤的決定 說不該說的話 傷害身邊的人

Then you let the pain overwhelm you.


No matter what pain you have been going through,


It is just a normal part of life.


it is an opportunity for a better you.


Take it and change it.

接受痛苦 改變痛苦

Don’t complain and let it overwhelm you!



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