
  1. Twenty years is a long time.
  2. A million dollars is a lot of money.
  3. Many a boy is in the playground now. = Many boys are in the playground now.
  4. More than one person is in the hall.
  5. News (politics/ economics/ mathematics/ linguistics) doesn’t interest me at all.


  1. The police have arrested the suspect.
  2. Poultry are raised everywhere in the countryside.
  3. The crew are working hard to row the boat.
  4. People nowadays spend a lot of money on electric appliances.

class / family / audience / committee

His family is a big family. His family are all teachers.
A large audience was in the auditorium last night. All the audience were moved.

The + Adj. (表達抽象意義) 視為單數主詞
The + Adj. (表達全部屬性的人) 視為複數主詞

The good is an important part of human nature. 善良是人性中重要的一部分。
The rich are not always happy. 富有的人不會永遠快樂。


  1. A or B + 動詞…
  2. Either A or B + 動詞…
  3. Neither A nor B + 動詞…
  4. Not only A but (also) B + 動詞…

Her older sister or parents have a successful business.
Either May’s parents or her sister has a successful business.
Neither the twin brothers nor their father was seen at the park yesterday.


  1. A with B + 動詞…
  2. A as well as B + 動詞…
  3. A no less than B + 動詞…

The father dog with its four baby dogs comes into the village for food every day.
(說明:主詞the father dog是第三人稱單數,因此動詞come加上s。)

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